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96 Mowat Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M6K3M1
HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Perl CGI, Drupal CMS. HTML, JavaScript, CSS Menus. HTML, JavaScript, PHP, MySql, User Administration. HTML, JavaScript, PHP, MySql, Perl CGI, User Administration. HTML, JavaScript, Frames, CSS. OsCommerce based, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, MySql, no longer affiliated, I did the original installation and customization.
Progettazione e costruzione di impianti. Per la trasformazione di succo ed olio essenziale di agrumi. Citrus juice and essential oil processing machines. Construcción de máquinas para la transformación de los cítricos. Construction de machines pour la transformation des agrumes.
Chercher la peur pOur la dOminer, la fatigue pOur en triOmpher et la difficulté pOur la vaincre.